Monday, January 27, 2014

The four letter word

Hello there fellow bloggerians or any earth's creature whose reading this. I am fully aware that I haven't been updating my blog for ages or should I say centuries? (Exaggerating much) 

  It's 2014 already and I can't believe how much time flies that I'm a year to 20! How old is that. Well that also means I'm reaching death much faster.  

Okay I won't be procrastinating or delaying what I'm actually going to share on this post now much longer. As the title goes, 'The Four Letter Word', we all know it's starts with the letter L and ends with the letter E. And yeah, it is what you think it is, Love. Bingo! What does love actually means to you? Does it mean a thing, something or everything? Well that's quite subjective. I'll leave it to you guys to think about it. 
   This post is not really something that is personal. I don't really share personal stuff but it's just the thoughts of mine about it that I feel like I have to share it with you guys. I have been in a few relationships, yeah. Mostly didn't really last. And of course, right now I am in a very happy and retarded relationship with my beloved housemates. In college, they're my family. 
   At some point, I don't feel like being in those kind of lovey dovey or whatsoever true love relationship kind of thing. That's just because when I start to fall in love, I just care and love too much that it might annoy that certain person. At the end, all I get was nothing but hurt and frustration. Well, I'm not here to gain your sympathy or anything. Just something that I feel like sharing. 

  So thaaat, actually makes me feel like being alone. Not alone as in not being with my friends or isolating myself from those people I know, but alone as in not being tight in some kind of human knot or promises. The pain. I hate to face it but alhamdulillah I managed somehow to get over it in my very own way. Of course it's right now that I'm having this kind of stand, saying that I can stand alone, being an independent lady, I don't need a man in life and the list goes on. 

    However, I don't really know what Allah has prepared for me in the future. I might or might not meet that right person or shall I say my Mr. Right that I have been longing to see and meet for so long, since I was in school. He's too good to even exist. Who knows, I might meet him in the near future but I'm never desperate for it. It's something that you shouldn't like search of run for. It will come naturally. 

The reason why I'm suddenly sharing about this, because some might get the wrong idea of me always playing hard to get and being not the kind of girl who prefers being in a relationship. So yeah, I hope you folks get me. How I roll. 

So long, Till the next post, InshaAllah. 

Au revoir. 


  1. Ya, I've the same stand as yours. So, I got your point :) Cool, agasshi-to be, I believe one day you'll meet your Mr Right though he's not your first sight love but he'll be first to bring you to the fullest :)

  2. Wuuuuuuu umbikai!!! OTIIIPIII !!! So sweet <3 I'm so melting like a jelly. How i wish everyone get my point too because i'm just too cool for a partner to handle. Later please follow that tweethandle that i've mentioned you. It's good to get rid of your fats. Peace out- semololololo

    1. ermm, semolboii? haha. About getting rid of the fats, yes I do want to get rid of it, but I shall do it my own way. Thanks for your concern!

  3. Terus update ehh lepas keluar semalam. hmmm :) faham

  4. the right person will always come by. Just know that He has made plans for ur future and it is always the best for you. the only thing you should do go on with the life He has granted you and fight thru all obstacle that come =)
