this evening, i ate some bakwans (indonesian food also known as cucur in malaysia) about 5-7 of them after half an hour of eating rice and other side dishes.. then I continued reading my so called can't-seem-to-stop-reading, novel. i'm so addicted tht i accidently fell asleep with my full tummy. When I woke up, i thought it wasn't any late but then i just realized tht it was already 8.50pm! omg. how long did i slept? the worst thing is tht i slept during the maghrib prayers! I had this heavy head after tht.
apa lagi!? i quickly rushed to the toilet a.k.a bathroom for wudhuk thereafter put on my telekung.
LESSON LEARNT TODAY: don't sleep after just a whilee eating, especially in the evening. *u won't feel any good after waking up.
*in fact i'm still yawning..
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