it's a typical monday blues. 11.29 pm. I wanted to post this for so long but didn't really have the chance to. SO here goes. 2 years ago, back when i was in form 1. We have this group called 'Cekodok Weng' founder suci and farahin. There were 7 girls with different personalities and retardednesssss.. hehe. We were so closee.. every second, every minute, every hour we spended the time together especially at school. I missed 'CW' a hell out of a lot! I wished we could do some reunion or something tht could get us back together for just a day..! hmm. yeah basically each 'CW' members have their owned trademark/sign. Mine was a butterfly. We also had a our owned BOOK. I love that book. There were soo many precious moments we kept inside that book.
ookay. i had enough. i don't want to get myself bursting into tears in the middle of the night! SO yeahh. i'm about to show you our pictures together.. ;DD

i hope half of cw members would read this..