Can u see the above photo of 7 hot and smokin' girlS?? yeah... & Why are they dressing like that? Here's all the answers to it.
It's 4th April 2009. We performed a HIP HOP dance for Girl Guides Association World Thingking Day. It was held at the DBKL Auditorium. We've been practicing it at school for 2 months. Who Choreographed it? Overall we all did it but the first 2 and 3 parts i did. It does sounds a bit weird n funny, but in reality, we could actually dance. Not just a dance but it's hip hop dance that requires a lot of movements, flexibility, stamina and also effort. I'm very very proud of all the girls in the dance including me. We have done a super great job! I had my friend recorded our hip hop dance and uploaded at Youtube.
Here.. Watch this video and enjoy!
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