Am I that hateful? Mean? Cruel? Selfish? Irresponsible? Pathetic..
I know.. that I've done such a selfish thing.. And Irresponsible. I know Who I am. I'm not an angel. I can be a bad person sometimes. I'm not what u think I am. I admit that all this while, I've been acting soo pathetic. I didn't care about those around me.
I always want things to go my way.
However, I didn't mean to do such things.
It just only for that 1-2 hour(s). I did what I have to do. The important things. I didn't just left empty handedly. Already asked for permission. It's the last day. I need some time to spend with my friends. So far, I have sacrificed a lot for this. And I'm not regretting it. It's only for that day. I know this was too selfish of me. And I know that you guys too need to spend the precious days of your life too.
i'm not that good at explaining things..
I'm truly deeply sorry for what I've done. I didn't mean it. I know this is quite unforgiveable..
I just want this whole situation to be settled. This was not what I wanted! This wasn't what I intended to do!
Please. Forgive me my dear friends. I don't want things to get worse.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday, 15th November, a day full of precious, priceless moments..
It's the last day of school for 2010.. I wish there would be moreee days, more time at school. I hate school Holidays..
A day with my dearbeloved friendsssss..! Most of them will be moving next year.
I might not see them anymore. Today might be the last time i'm seeing some of them. I hope that's not true.
Everyone's moving! Pleaseeee don't leave me here.. I need you guys! i KNOW that life has to go on but I need moreee time with you all.
I almost cried today when I thought that I won't have time to spend time with my friends today..

Thanks a million guys! no, Gazillion! no, megamgalopomopokopolipolian thnks!
Friday, November 12, 2010
A gloomy Friday
SIGHHHH* Friday..
I had a miserable dayy. I didn't talk toooo much today. except while helping the girl guide's (I have to give instrustions)..
I don't knowwwww why.. it's just that things doesn't seem right for me. I've been thinking a lot about this and that.
I even took moree than 30 minutes to walk back home. Usually it only took me less than 20 minutes..
Am been talking to myself while walking.. thinking. how can I manage everything that comes around.
I had a miserable dayy. I didn't talk toooo much today. except while helping the girl guide's (I have to give instrustions)..
I don't knowwwww why.. it's just that things doesn't seem right for me. I've been thinking a lot about this and that.
I even took moree than 30 minutes to walk back home. Usually it only took me less than 20 minutes..
Am been talking to myself while walking.. thinking. how can I manage everything that comes around.
One of the best days..

It was on the 9th November. A trip organized for the PMR leavers.. We took the HOP ON HOP OFF bus and took tour around KL (like i've never been to kl) It was really a remarkable, awesome, superb, unforgettable trip ever. Only a few of my closest friends were going. I thought it would be such a boring and lamee trip but it turned out the other way round.
The places we went to : KL tower(culture village), Craft Complex, Pavillion, uniqlo Central Market, China Town and Petaling Street.
Actually there were more places such as The Art Gallery and Museum. But we seem to spend a lot of time at the previous places.
We didn't have much time back then. From the first to the last place, the atmosphere was always getting more and more merrier and lively.

Before we went back, the last stop was China Town. And there was this very special moment that I was very excited and soooo extremely happy about. There was a tourist from Seoul, South Korea. A married couple. It was at the bus stop. I was sitting on a bench after a tiringgg walk around Petaling Street. I didn't notice them at first. But then I heard them say, they were from South Korea. There was a sudden impulse making me to stand up and say "Anyeonghaseyo!!" It means Hello in Korean.
They were like really startled and greeted my back. Then, I started to talk to them about Malaysia, How I love Korean music and drama soo much. I said I really love 2PM (korean boy group). They nodded their head as a sign of knowing them well.
After a while, there were a crowd of people (Svian's) surrounding us and started to lighten the atmosphere.
Our conversation topic started to expanddd. Everyone seems soo excited about it. I even called the Korean couples "Ahjussi and Ahjumma" means 'Pakcik and Makcik".
They were soooooo nice. The Ahjussi even wrote names of me and a friend of mine in Korean. SOO super cool. I Still kept the paper he wrote my name on it. They also rode the same bus with us. We continued our conversation on the bus. The ahjussi gave me a Korean won coins. I got 600 won. I was sooo grateful.. and it was indeed a very very speacial day for me.

The trip started off with silence.. as in I didn't spoke too much at first but it really ended with a hugeeeee and widee smiling faces.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Lennex a.k.a Lennoque bo Lennoque
Lennex.. He's the cat that first came to our house meowing', for food. We're kind enough to give him some.
My lil brother, fell in love with that cat. and kept on pestering my mom asking permission to keep him. My mom agreed with it.
So, since then, lennex was named by me. Cool name is it? FYI, I took it from the Form 3 history textbook chapter 5. haha. go and check it out!
Lennex, he was an eating machine! He can ate anything! almost anything except for rock, wood and soil i guess.
He loves to eat! Almost every hour, he will ask(meow) for food.
About 2 months keeping him, he got fatter and fatter.. what a LUCKY cat. (Lucky tht he have us as his owner/master)
During fasting month, he would always wait till buka puasa" time because he knows that there will be a lot of food at tht time.
Ouh yeah, he has a very high-pitch meowing sound. (I find it quite annoying. Seriously!)
Days gone by, months after months, my mom noticed tht lennex was not as active as always. He looked sick. (no physical changes showing his sickness though)
After weeks, i saw him getting thinner and skinnier..
my mom took him to the vet for a check-up. The vet said that lennex was suffering from a lung cancer.
He might need some operation that cost a lot to recover! but he didn't took the operation. It's really expensive.
a month later, he was getting worse than before. He looks sooooo super skinny! i could feel the bones coming out!
I can't bare to look at him. It was too painful. I could feel him, suffering. Fighting against the disease.
A few days later, I saw Lennex laying down at the kitchen. I looked at him as if he wanted to get up but he couldn't.
I stroked his fur, telling him that everything's going to be fine. U just hang on and be Strong okay, Lennex..
Today, I came back home from some place. Before i got in, my brother told me that Lennex died.
I didn't believe him at first and thought that he was just fooling around.
I walked towards the kitchen, what I saw was a dead body covered with old newspapers. It was lennex's body.
What my brother said was true! He died today at 4.20pm.
Lennex was a very special cat. Why did he have to go so fast? I didn't even got the chance to be really close to him..
He was really close with my brother. His beloved cat.
Maybe it's time. I have to accept it. We all, have to accept it.
My lil brother, fell in love with that cat. and kept on pestering my mom asking permission to keep him. My mom agreed with it.
So, since then, lennex was named by me. Cool name is it? FYI, I took it from the Form 3 history textbook chapter 5. haha. go and check it out!
Lennex, he was an eating machine! He can ate anything! almost anything except for rock, wood and soil i guess.
He loves to eat! Almost every hour, he will ask(meow) for food.
About 2 months keeping him, he got fatter and fatter.. what a LUCKY cat. (Lucky tht he have us as his owner/master)
During fasting month, he would always wait till buka puasa" time because he knows that there will be a lot of food at tht time.
Ouh yeah, he has a very high-pitch meowing sound. (I find it quite annoying. Seriously!)
Days gone by, months after months, my mom noticed tht lennex was not as active as always. He looked sick. (no physical changes showing his sickness though)
After weeks, i saw him getting thinner and skinnier..
my mom took him to the vet for a check-up. The vet said that lennex was suffering from a lung cancer.
He might need some operation that cost a lot to recover! but he didn't took the operation. It's really expensive.
a month later, he was getting worse than before. He looks sooooo super skinny! i could feel the bones coming out!
I can't bare to look at him. It was too painful. I could feel him, suffering. Fighting against the disease.
A few days later, I saw Lennex laying down at the kitchen. I looked at him as if he wanted to get up but he couldn't.
I stroked his fur, telling him that everything's going to be fine. U just hang on and be Strong okay, Lennex..
Today, I came back home from some place. Before i got in, my brother told me that Lennex died.
I didn't believe him at first and thought that he was just fooling around.
I walked towards the kitchen, what I saw was a dead body covered with old newspapers. It was lennex's body.
What my brother said was true! He died today at 4.20pm.
Lennex was a very special cat. Why did he have to go so fast? I didn't even got the chance to be really close to him..
He was really close with my brother. His beloved cat.
Maybe it's time. I have to accept it. We all, have to accept it.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Our precious memories together

i should post this earlier.. didn't thought of it.
Our class's jamuan/party was 2 days ago.
I have a confession to make..
3 Inovatif, I'm PROUD to be a part of it.
Throughout the year, 3I was always full of commitment and always able to cooperate with anything. Especially, when we won for the 'Keceriaan Kelas (most decorative).. ;D
3I might not be the 1st TOP, but we are always number 1 at most things!
3I, u had always make the teachers proud. I LOVE YOU 3 Inovatif and 3 Inovatifianss! You all were SUPERB!

The form 3's netball competition.. Wow.. this was the first time ever i've won in a game that I took part in.
Frankly, I've never really play netball (before this). And I joined the competition was for fun. Why not, just give it a shot.
but i guess i could play. It's not as complicated as i thought it would be. And I thought I will mess up.
But today really proved me wrong. It was a greaaaaaaat game indeed!
next year, I'm thinking of joining the school team.. It would be grawsomee!
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