On the 10th, my first day of camping.. Very tiring but at the same time there's a very interesting and exciting moments.
OKay. Of course the first day we put up our tent, arrange our gadjets and breakfast(I have to be there at the campsite by 7.30am. ). That's wht u do in camps rite. But after that, we were ordered to get out from the campsite and head to the VISTANA hotel. We're having activities and lunch there. I mean, at some kind of Hotel? Wow, I'm starting to love this camp. haha.
Anyway, we took the monorail from JLN Tun Sambathan to Titiwangsa. From there, we walked to the hotel. But it's kind of embarassing wearing the Greenish Girl Guides uniform to a public. At the hotel, I learned to make Mocktails, napkin folding and designed my own cupcake. I also learned how to actually 'sit' propperly and how to tie a stewardess/ bird's nest hair bun. It's awesomeee.. We ate Itallian foods for lunch. As the awesome moments were gone, we had to do this activity called 'Cabaran'. It's like an Amazing Race thingy,The clue given to head to a station, is veryyyyyyy. I don't know. Unpredictable I guess.
So my team finished the race, a little late. We were almost dying running front, back, side, up and down. Huh.

On the 11th, nothing interesting came across. Just normal old camping activites like putting up a fire for cooking, cleaning the campsite. For luch this time, it was very different than yesterday. We ate Ayam Bakar, Ikan Bakar, Apple Bakar, Pisang bakar. All the Bakar type of cooking. At first, I was astonished about the Apple and Pisang bakar. Evetually it tastes good. U should try it too.
After lunch, my team and I build a KL TOWER by using recycled stuffs and made an outfit using newpapers and pastic bags. Themed given is Disney characters. So, for the easiest, i chose to make Minnie Mouse's and Pocahontas's outfit. I just cut and cut and paste the newspapers. Fortunately, i really got the newspapers turned into a Disney character's outfit.
okay. move on. Later at night, we had a camfire and a fashion show of outfit from recycled materials.
My group performed a drama entitled Si tanggang. I played the main role. hhuhu, We didn't practise that much but it went out pretty well. Thnk god. Then, we also sang girl guides' songs, human orchestra. I just loveee campfires.
Later after the campfire finished, we had a freedance session. Whoa. I'm really crazy out there. But not to mentioned myself, everybody was the craziest that night.
On the 12th. Finally, the last day of camping. Actually we were supposed to go home in the evening. But I was excused, to go home earlier. And that was beacause, I had a performance to prepare for. I had an electone concert going on at 7 but before that I had class at 4 at Yamaha Music, setapak.
As I got home from camping, I opened my end of year exam letter results that my mom kept it for me. Actually the results were already out 2 days ago when I were out camping. Okay back to the results. It's the moment I've been waiting for, to open the results. As I opened the letter, I saw my name was on top of the paper. I said OMG. Is this really my name?? I got straight A's?! Alhamdulillah. I just totally didn't believe it. I hugged my mom and call my dad. They were so proud of me. And i screamed and cried at the same time. haha. weird rite. But yeah. I think I pulled it off this time. But it's not something to be so happy and proud about it. I still have a long journey to go. Next Year is going to be way difficult than this. I'm going to work harder and harder this time onwards.
After the joy and satisfaction, of seeing my results. I practised a little bit for my performance. I will be having an ensemble and a solo electone performance. I get ready at 3 something with my best hairdo and outfit. I had class before the performance started. hmm. Unfortunately, I only got to play the ensemble on the piano because the data from the disket was lost, and my music teacher said, He couldn't help me. So I didn't get to play my electone(organ) solo. hmm. Tht was quite frustrating. I practised super hard for my solo. But at the end of the day i was excused to not play because of my stupid disket.
OKay maybe some of u don't know what disket has got to do with electone(organ.) Electone is actually an organ but a modern one. It has a pedal, upper and lower keyboard. And also u can put a disket in it for the background music. hehe. And I couldn't play the electone without the background music.

(this is an electone. In case if u have no idea what it really is)
There has been lot's of things happened in this 3 days. But I treasured every moment of it.