Today is 31st July.. Finally I'm right in front of my computer, posting something. At least one post a month. Actually I don't have any interesting topic to write/type/post about. Erm. okay. How should I start this of? Maybe what do I do today? Ussual stuff. U know.. like waking up everyday at 6.30 am for my prayers. Then, I'll spend half an hour in front of my computer, streaming japanese drama online (yeah.. i'm obsessed with japanese). Right after that, i'll go and take a bath at 8 am. Since i'm schooling in the afternoon session. Next up! Breakfast. I'll be having my favourite breakfast cereal which is the "honey gold flakes" with a bowl of low fat milk. OMG. Tht's more like heaven.
huuuh.. i'm full. Then, i'll be checking on my homeworks, music homeworks. Finish all of them, and i'm ready to go to school..
Nothing wonderful but simply boring and dull but i'm getting used to it. It's my daily routine. That's what I do as a busy high school girl.
Hey.. u know what? i gotta go.. My annoying lil' brother is asking me to play a video game with him!! @_@>...... ;p
P/s; more interesting posts coming on nest month in august! which is like 4 hours more! SEE YALATOR ALAGATOR.