May... May.. May...
the most tiring month for me..=( I'm so glad that it's almost over. I've put on so much effort in order to accomplish my assignments and and school's stuff.. And i'm glad too mid term exam is over..! the reason i didn't post anything in my blog lately all because of this. Even my yahoo and myspace account i haven't been online for weeks that's like almost a month.. I think it's quite a challenging task for me. Besides being busy with all those stuffs I'm having some problems in my life that i couldn't share or asking for someone's help. It's a one tough anticipation and not many teenagers like me can handle it. I'm not being proud or whatever.. don't get it wrong. Luckily I have my friends by my side.. cheering and making me feel better.. Especially my dear bestie, Daryl.. without him i'll be more stressed! but THANK GOD(Allah) I have him and all other bestie.. So far... I'm okay.. I'm being strong. I'm tring my best to prepare facing tougher anticipations and challenges. wish me luck! ^_*